Solving the world's problems while fitting in our pants

Solving the world's problems while fitting in our pants

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Lemon Your Way to Health

Ok, you all know by now I am a little crazy when it comes to nutrition, food and well just about anything. I like to share in my "crazy" on occassion, so today I want to share with you my love for lemons. 

My lemon health started when a couple of years ago, I read a tweet (Yep just 140 characters) that starting the day with warm lemon water was the key to beautiful skin. Sold!  That's all I needed to know. A natural fruit and water=anti-aging goldmine? Done and done. I started religiously drinking it and have been ever since. 

I constantly have fresh lemons in the  house. I prefer fresh because of the flavor and bottled juices just do not have the same taste. I roll my fresh lemon on the countertop to get the juices flowing and  then cut the lemon in half. 

I like warm water versus hot water. Hot water can break down the healthy enzymes and nutrients in the lemon. I take a cup and microwave it for about 80 seconds and it's perfect. 

Squeeze half of the lemon in and enjoy while warm. I do this on an empty stomach, after my workout in the morning and sip on it while I get ready. 

Recently, a friend shared an article on the drinking a cup of lemon water:

Sure lemon has a lot of health benefits, but as you can see it probably isn't going to work miracles. However, this is what I personally know:

-It has helped with my energy levels in the morning
-It has improved my skin and I can tell when I skip a few days because I lose a little bit of my glow
-It helps with digestion, if my tummy hurts, this really works and it takes down bloat 
-If my eyes and face are puffy in the morning, lemon water takes care of that
-If I eat a little too much sodium (hello pizza), lemon water reduces the dreaded ankle swelling
-I haven't been sick one day since I started drinking daily lemon water
-Honestly, it just makes me feel good. 

If you don't like it warm, that's fine too! Throw a slice into your daily water indulgence. Now go squeeze, sip and lemon your way to a healthier feeling you! 



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