Solving the world's problems while fitting in our pants

Solving the world's problems while fitting in our pants

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Celebrate St. Patrick's Day and Go Green!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  My friend Cool is taking the day off to celebrate like a handful of my other friends (for some reason think this is THE holiday of the year). Today I am going to celebrate with you by sharing why green fruits and vegetables are powerful foods that you should be eating every day. 

I start my day each with a green smoothie. I am not going to lie, I am not the best with my green veggies and this past year, I made myself a promise that I would have at least 2 servings of green vegetables a day. Smoothies have been my life saver to achieve this goal. 

Why should you eat green?  And did you know there is more to green fruits and vegetables than kale, spinach and collard greens

One medium kiwi provides about 60 calories, 100% of daily vitamin C needs and more potassium than half a banana.  Kiwis also make a smart snack choice—just cut, scoop and eat. I love them because 2 are a serving size and I get 4 grams of fiber.
Avocados contain monounsaturated fat, a good heart-healthy fat. This fruit is ready to eat when slightly soft, and can be added to dishes for its fresh and creamy flavor. Add to your favorite entrées, use as a substitute for your favorite condiment or even add to smoothies.
One pepper has only 30 calories, and delivers a day’s worth of Vitamin C, supporting healthy immune function.  Peppers are great sautéed in entrée dishes, or make a delicious crunchy snack with a dip. This is truly my go to vegetable at lunch time.
One cup of broccoli provides an excellent source of Vitamin K, supporting bone health.  Broccoli also contains as much Vitamin C as an orange, and is a good source of fiber to help with weight control and healthy digestion.  Besides being eaten raw or cooked, broccoli can be added to soups, stews and casseroles for a health kick.
This nutrient-dense vegetable contains folic acid, helping the body make healthy new cells and prevent birth defects during pregnancy.  Need new ideas for asparagus recipes?  Try Roasted Asparagus Salad with Citrus Dressing.
This unfamiliar vegetable is a member of the cabbage family.  It has a sweet, juicy texture that tastes similar to broccoli stems.  Enjoy raw, roasted, steamed or add to a favorite soup.  I like them sliced and topped with freshly ground pepper. These are a family favorite!
Cucumber is best eaten raw or barely cooked, leaving the skin on for added fiber benefits.  Store up to one week in refrigerator; use leftover cucumber for a personal spa day.

Crazy's Morning Kickstart Shake 

1 kiwi fruit, roughly chopped
1/2 avocado, roughly chopped
1 cup baby spinach, roughly chopped 
1 cup milk (skim or vanilla almond)
1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder 
1 tablespoon chia seeds

Put in blender and purée to the consistency you like. Add ice if you like it more frothy. I also freeze my spinach and my chopped kiwi for the week so it's ready to go and it serves as my ice. 

Cheers to you today! 


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