Solving the world's problems while fitting in our pants

Solving the world's problems while fitting in our pants

Monday, October 27, 2014

Making Good Choices Monday: Traveling, Airports and Hotlanta

I recently went on a trip to Hotlanta for a dietitian convention (I know what you're thinking but they are pretty amazing, hence why I am writing this post). Traveling is always so hard when you are trying to eat and exercise right. The minute I get to the airport, I think I am on vacation and it's time to pig out! But this trip I was going to do my best to find balance and still fit into my pants when I returned home.  Here are my suggestions for balance during travel:

1. Be physically active. 

I know, I know, who wants to workout on a trip. Most hotels have some kind of fitness facility. This picture was taken at 4 am because a dietitian convention means a packed fitness center. But if that is not your thing, hotels have stairs and many places to walk. Just move more. 

2. Drink water. Have water be 90% of your beverage intake. When your travel, your fluid status goes haywire especially if you are sitting on a plane or riding in a car for a long period of time. Caffeine, sugar and sodium make it worse and if your socks are leaving prints in your legs, you need water!

3. Watch sodium when dining out. 

You will eat more than 2 times the amount of sodium you should consume in a day while traveling because of  dining out. Make sure to order a salad with every meal as well as a vegetable with your meal (and request no salt added). This will help keep it in check.

4. Be careful of the airport and gas stations. 

There is a ton of iffy food in these 2 locations. And if you're like me, yep, you love them! There will always be healthy options available. Water, unsweetened tea, raw nuts, single servings of trail mix, jerky, string cheese...lots of options are available for snacks.

When dining out, there will be at least one healthy option along the way. My choice in Hotlanta was Qdoba. I had a taco salad without the shell, chicken and pico salsa. 

And I loved that the airport had handy signs that told you how far you were from something by walking. So instead of just sitting at the gate, I was motivated to move it! 

It was a tough journey. I did indulge one evening on shrimp and grits, collard greens, black eyed peas and cornbread. I did get up and worked on my fitness in the morning and drank my weight in water the next day. Oh and I did have some peach cobbler as well. This trip, I did not gain a pound and I still enjoyed all the food my tummy could handle. 

I can be a little healthier during trips and I know you can too! Happy travels!


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