Adios to 2014! Well almost. We have been reflecting on 2014 and sharing our significant moments of the past year. One being this great collaboration and absolutely crazy and cool blog we started. Thank you for being a part of it and sharing in our fun and our food.
For our final entry of 2014, we want to share with you resolutions of a dietitian and a chef. We are pretty excited for the next 365 days and cannot wait to see what unfolds.
So usually I don't do "New Years resolutions," because I always looked at them as something I needed to change about my life. This year I have changed my thinking and instead of things I need to change and have to do, I am looking at them at things I could make my life easier and happier.
Resolution #1 Figure out my food sensitivities:
When I was in college I had all kinds of issues with my stomach and was later diagnosed with IBS. I took it very serious for about 6 months and then slowly went back to my old food diet. I would know in the back of my mind that if I ate something that I wouldn't feel the best but never really pin pointed anything to take out of my diet. In the past couple years, my stomach issues have became more promenient and through trial and error I have eliminated some foods and beverages. I have been to the doctor to rule out celiac diesease, but still need to figure out what foods are making me feel sick so that I can alter my food diet. I have been in denial about doing a FODMAPS diet just because I know I work with food everyday and think of the limitations it might have. Recently I have changed my thinking and think this is my opportunity to feel better and get even more creative with recipes.
Resolution #2 Add more water into my diet
I heard somewhere that when you tell yourself to limit something, it triggers something in your brain
to crave it even more, instead you want to add healthy foods to your diet and you will eventually not even want the processed/ unhealthy food and beverages. So instead of my usual "stop drinking soda," I am going to add in more water to my diet. By adding more into my diet, hopefully I won't crave and want those unwanted sugary liquid calories.
Resolution #3 Get on a healthy and realistic workout plan
Again, this is more of a realistic goal. I am the person that workouts for a reason, whether it's to train for a triathlon or run of some kind. This mentality use to work for me before children, but now I just want to get into a workout routine that works for me. I am not doing this to lose weight but to get more energy for my three crazy kids. I want to be the one that tires them out at the end of the day and not the other way around. So whether this is adding in some strength training, light running, and some workout classes, so be it.
Resolution #4 Eat hot breakfast 3 days a week
I know this sounds like a stretch, but believe it or not we use to have hot breakfast every morning. It has only been the past 6 months that we have stopped this tradition. Lately it seems to be getting something out of the pantry, or some fruit and a cheesestick on the way to work/ daycare. This is one resolution that is more of a family resolution that my husband and I have talked about for the last week. When you start your day out with a good well balanced, non rushed breakfast it sets you up for success throughout your whole day. Plus Carl makes a mean egg sandwich and is THE BEST way to start anyone's day.
Resolution #5 Disconnect from technology more and be present more
This is something that I have done in the past and need to get back to. When I am home with my family I need to put down the phone/ computer and be aware more. Those innocent 10 minute checks on email/facebook/instagram while the kids are watching "The LEGO Movie" for the 100th time mean you are missing 10 minutes with the one's you love at the present time that you will never get back. Social media is a blessing and curse at the same time. It's great to know what friends and family are doing all the time but it also can bring about jealousy, hurt, and disconnect from the one's that are right next to you.
I love that life changes all the time, it's great to reflect on the good, and learn from the bad, for this I want to share my favorite quote and a great one to start a new year with:
I am very excited for 2015 and like my friend Cool stated above, I am not really a resolution girl either. But, I like to set goals. Goals are what makes a happy life, not people or objects. Here is to my happy life!
#1. I am going to focus on my joys. I spent the last week thinking about the past year and yes there were many joyous things that have happened, but more of the not-so-joyous are the ones that stick out and are remembered. I have so much joy in my life and in my heart, I am going to make a point to cherish them and make them the standouts for 2015.
#2. I am going to wear SUNSCREEN! I am going to slather SPF 50 on like it is the new designer fashion. In my previous life, I worked for 3 dermatologist as a histotechnologist (a fancy name for a lab rat who processes skin tissue) and I cannot tell you the many malignant melanomas that came through our lab when I worked there. This is a serious skin cancer and I never thought that I would get it. But I did! I had an early version and it can be treated very successfully, but I do not want to run the risk of further progression. So if anyone has self tanning recommendations, I am all ears!
#3. I am going to take 30 minutes out of my day, EVERY DAY, to write. I love writing about anything I am passionate about. During the 3o minutes, I am going to write down my joys, keep working on the book I started last year, send notes to people I care about and blog. I love getting lost in words and need to take time out of my hectic day to focus on one of my passions. I feel this passion is one of the keys to my future and to my happy life. I am getting excited just thinking about it!
Cheers to 2015!
~Crazy and Cool
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