Friday, July 8, 2016

Kodiak Cakes Review

For our product review this month we choose Kodiak Cakes.  They have so many different flavors out there so they really do have something for everyone.  

My family and I tried out 3 different flavors  including: whole wheat, oat, and honey, dark chocolate, and superfood.  We just tried them all as pancakes and haven't tried them for waffles yet, but maybe we will do that this weekend. 

The whole wheat, oat, and honey one tasted just like any other boxed pancake mix.  I didn't get a lot of honey flavor or anything too different or spectacular with this one.  The dark chocolate was my favorite because it had little chunks of dark chocolate in it.  It was just sweet enough but not overly sweet, even after I doused it in maple syrup.  The superfood pancakes were also good, I liked this one because it actually had some texture to it and a little more flavor than the honey and oat one.  I also felt better about my kids eating three of these for breakfast than just a regular pancake without all of the adding benefits.  My kids tried all of them and 2 out of the 3 liked all of them.  One of my boys didn't care for the dark chocolate one, but when I asked why he didn't like it, he said that he wasn't hungry.   

I will say that the directions on the box said to make with a 1 c. mix to 1 c. water ratio and I thought it was too watery.  I ended up adding more pancake mix to the batter to thicken it up a little.  I would start off with directions on the box and maybe add more mix if you like your pancakes a little fluffier.

All in all I liked the pancakes and will be buying the dark chocolate ones again.  I am also going to try the other recipes on the box for the other breakfast treats.


I get pretty excited when a package of new products, well new to me, land in my office and Kodiak Cakes surely increased my giddiness. I was ready to whip up pancakes for family, friends and clients to see if these boxes delivered plenty of yum and good nutrition.

I split up the flavors with Cool (it was hard to give up the chocolate one) and I took the Buttermilk Power Cakes and the Crunchy Peanut Butter Power Cakes. 

What really caught my eye about these mixes were not the flavors but the nutrition. These boxes of mix are packed with 100% whole grain wheat flour, 14 grams of whey protein per serving (3 cakes about the size in the picture above), 5 grams of fiber and a wholesome ingredient list packed with things we all know and can pronounce.  Woo hoo! 

I made the Buttermilk for brunch with friend and topped them with fresh strawberries from the garden. They were gobbled up before I could even get a picture! They were light and fluffy and filling because of the protein and fiber. 

I made the Crunchy Peanut Butter for a class I teach about pre-diabetes. These are a healthy choice for people watching their blood sugars and weight. They loved them and so did I. The best part about this flavor is similar to the dark chocolate one, there are little chunks of peanuts in the mix which adds a nice texture to the finished product. 

With the leftovers, I spread a couple tablespoons of peanut butter in between two of the pancakes and put them in the freezer for a protein-packed grab and go sandwich for when I am in a hurry. 

Their website has a ton of recipes to create even more delicousness like cookies and muffins. For more information go here

The Crunchy Peanut Butter will definitely be a staple in my pantry. I also will be sneaking over to Cool's house to try the dark chocolate one too! 


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