Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Throwing It Out There Thursday: Bruschetta


Cool and I have been a little off on our posts these past few weeks and will be for the month of August, so hang in there with us!  Today I am beyond ecstatic to share with you my favorite dish: bruschetta. Ok, so did you know bruschetta is defined as toasted Italian bread dipped in olive oil?  The tomato and basil mixture is just a "side" to the bread. When making bruschetta all you need is toasted bread and the possibilities of what it is served with is endless. I could live off bruschetta, no joke. If it's on the menu, I am ordering it. I make it at least once a week all year around because your sides can be seasonal. Today I am sharing with you my seasonal take and how I am eating my bruschetta this week. 

I start off with simple and fresh ingredients. My twist is using fruit in my tomato mixture.

I chose to dice up ripe plums and nectarines. I just cut the flesh around the pit so I am left with nice and flat pieces of fruit. 

Tomatoes mean summer and heirlooms are so abundant and sweet during this time of year, you must try them. They come in a variety of colors and sizes.

I chose the baby heirlooms because I wanted a variety of color for my bruschetta. 

Once the fruit and tomatoes are diced, I mix them all together. 

Spray the mixture with Hy-Vee Olive Oil Spray or mix with 2 tbsp of olive oil. Course ground salt and pepper to taste. 

Now, fresh mozzarella is a must when making bruschetta. I use the pearls, or marble sized balls of fresh mozzarella. Can't find them, no problem, you can always slice and dice a package of mozzarella. 

Gently mix the mozzarella in with your fruit and tomato mixture. Set aside. (This mixture doesn't keep well, make the right amount for you or your guests to consume that day).

Now comes the bruschetta part. Pre-heat your oven to low broil.  Grab yourself a cookie sheet and a loaf of fresh Italian bread, cutting into 1 1/2" slices.

Make crouton size pieces from each slice. Big or small, it's your choice! 

Spray with olive oil or a nonstick cooking spray and sprinkle with fresh cracked pepper.  Place in over and broil until a soft golden brown, about 3 minutes. 

Here comes my favorite trick again for pretty herb ribbons. Take individual basil leaves and place on top of each other. Roll the leaves together. 

Then chopped the rolled basil to create thin ribbons.  It is bruschetta confetti!!!

Time to make it pretty. I like to use martini glasses for a fun presentation. Place 5-7 croutons in the martini glass.

Top with the fruit and salsa mixture. 

Sprinkle the bruschetta confetti on top.

Then drizzle a pre-made balsamic glaze over all the deliciousness. It looks exactly like chocolate syrup. You can easily find this glaze by the vinegars in the grocery store. 

There you have it!  My bruschetta obsession for the week!  Feel free to use any fruit you have in the house, berries work great with tomatoes too. I love the sweetness of the fruit, tomatoes and glaze blended with the savory flavors from the cheese, cracked pepper and salt. 

You will probably periodically see more of my bruschetta obsessions but make sure to take advantage of this delightful dish during the bounty of produce in the  summer months. 


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